How “Popmed”  use “Data” to increase “ healthcare system"

How “Popmed” use “Data” to increase “ healthcare system"

Popmed stands for “Population Medicine” We aim to solve health problems for the population by Using data of population data 

 Nowadays, there is room for improvement in health check up to prevent both non communicable and communicable diseases. 

health checkup

The main problem of the health check-up are the data from health report (such as a biochemical report, diagnosis of diseases, and clinical sign after each health check-up) are not all digitized, which are stored as a physical document, and not centralized and unconnected to the one single system

When data is not analyzed to predict the possible diseases, an Intervention plan is not planned and the prediction and prevention of the chronic disease will also be delayed or not occurred. 

the management of intervention for health prevention remains slow, passive, and inefficient. as a result that patient will not get the right and personalized intervention and failed to prevent the occurrence of the disease 

On the other hand, the effective health checkup which include intervention program like health activities and lifestyle modification program is considered costly and not affordable for everyone, especially the middle or low-income class (or office worker)   

health in hand

Popmed aim to provide a solution which will be the “new standard” of health checkup program with our solution we will

-Gather information from health report altogether with behavioral data (food logging, exercise logging) and analyze all the health risks

taking food pic

 One of our very first products, the “Baojai” application, and dashboard, were created from the common problem in health check-ups which can be improved, especially now when it can be solved by big data and artificial intelligence. 

     Our mission is to create “ The New Era of Health checkup”


Baojai will Gather information → Process all the data → predict the possible disease → monitor health behavior -> suggest intervention plans with AI  

Finally, Come to the highlight!  

 Baojai embodies the principle of “ P4Medicine” a Personalized approach to health care through disease prediction, prevention, participation   

 shown in this infographic

P4 Baojai